[by Kala Fuenmayor and Angelo Romagnoli] The internationally renowned Venezuelan playwright and theatre director Rodolfo Santana was born on October 25th, 1944, in Guarenas, a humble dormitory town in the outskirts of Caracas, Venezuela. He was one of six brothers. The main influences in his early life were his mother, Aura Salas, a teacher, and his grandfather, Antonio Salas. Both nurtured his humane and intellectual growth and gave him access to his grandfather’s library filled with tomes by Shakespeare, Dumas, Proust, Verne, Gallegos, and many other national and international authors. In his sixty-eight years of life, and in a playwriting career which started at 17, he wrote no less than eighty-four plays. Santana himself commented on his prolificity: In Venezuela, there’s this concept that I possess an unbeatable prolific capacity. I am a drama stud, according to comments. A playwright that rides the creative cow and writes a play every day. That is false. I write very slowly, that is why I cannot work for television, it is emerging. I cannot be emergent, even if I write a horrendous play. I am a gardener, and every play takes me at least five years. A clear example of my truth is… Continua a leggere